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Le forum de l'association humanitaire éPAUpée

éPAUpée est une association qui se consacre à l'humanitaire.
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 Learning Foreign Languages

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 27/04/2007

Learning Foreign Languages Empty
MessageSujet: Learning Foreign Languages   Learning Foreign Languages EmptyVen 27 Avr - 1:20

Congratulations for your site! It’s such a pleasure to be here. I've been interested lately in learning other languages, I’m taking quality time in searching good links and guess what? I found these estudiar italiano en Italia and Learn Italian language … remarkable! I’ve been thinking now to enroll. Also, I found this cursos de idioma. In just visiting them, I’m learning gradually, maybe in a month or two I can speak other languages well. I hope I can enroll anytime soon, I'm so eager to learn other languages. Learning other languages is fun and informative. Try this Sprachaufenthalte, great too! Any suggestion from you guys?
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Nombre de messages : 34
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

Learning Foreign Languages Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Learning Foreign Languages   Learning Foreign Languages EmptyDim 10 Juin - 6:55

actually i don't understand why you speak about languages?
this site is forum of épaupée a local french NGO, which works with nepal.
to make a link with you, we've learnt nepali language when we've been overthere, and the new team which is actually on the departure to nepal we'll learn too. As you said it's interesting learning new language and specially cause you penetrate their way of living.
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